Sharing Our Experience, Strength & Hope
The Northern New Mexico OA Intergroup voted to provide space on our website in which area members can share their stories of recovery with other compulsive overeaters. To submit your testimonial of how OA is helping you, email me at lizoannm@gmail.com, And watch this page in the coming months!
The Importance of Consistency To Long Term Recovery
by Terry Blessed, Santa Fe OA Morning Meeting
In my experience working my program on a consistent basis has avoided the many pitfalls of being up one day and down the next, in one day and out the next. etc. This has required my doing the same things consistently that maintain and add to my recovery, no matter whether I feellike doing them or not.
And I believe that because I do them consistently, they become much easier to do.
So consistency for me is about forming habits as the result of doing the same things necessary to recover over and over and over every day. I don't need to make a new decision every day whether to do them or not; I merely need to renew my choices of yesterday and ask always that H.P. empower my choices. So for me, consistency is about repetition, about practice and about structure.
I often have heard others say at meetings how helpful it is to them to see others attending meetings consistently and working their programs consistently. So when we attend meetings consistently and work our programs consistently, we are helping others and not just ourselves.
I believe that indecision about doing the things we need to do to maintain our recovery on a consistent basis causes stress, and leads to difficulty in working the program. Just as many children who do not go to school consistently every day end up dropping out, so do many of us drop out of our program because of not doing it consistently.
So what are the things I do consistently to maintain my recovery? Here are some:
• The Three P's: Pray, Plan, Play. Praying is having daily conscious awareness of a loving power greater than myself. Planning is removing the area of indecision of what I am going to eat each day by not making those decisions at the time I am about to eat, but making them in advance. Playing is spending quality time with my dog, listening to music I love, hiking, dancing, working out and making a game of challenges that I face each day rather than seeing them as hurdles to overcome.
• Not Taking Myself Too Seriously: The ability to laugh at and sometimes learn from my mistakes rather than berate myself about them.
• Gratitude: Maintaining an attitude of gratitude and giving expression to that gratitude in how I live my life eacy day.
• Passing It On: Passing on what I have so generously received in recovery. •
Forever Undoing Negativity
by Terry Blessed, Santa Fe OA Morning Meeting
Oh, how I used to hate that bumper sticker, “Are we having fun yet?" I would say to myself, "What's that about anyway? Life is a very serious business, and not about having fun."
As the result of working the Steps and having discovered a Power greater than me, I have changed my mind, coming to believe for myself what it says in the Big Book (AA) is true for me, viz: “We are sure God's will for us is to be happy, joyous and free.”
So what is fun?
Fun is staying out of negativity.
Fun is knowing that a life without fun is no life at all.
Fun is being in the Spirit.
Fun is being with God.
Fun is helping others.
Fun is getting out of ourselves.
Fun is knowing things will work out.
Fun is knowing that Love entails confidence in the good.
Fun is knowing that we are all together in “this soup” of life.
Fun is an expression of gratitude.
Fun is a celebration of the fact that the Program really does work.
Fun is living in the Present moment, no guilt about the past, no projection into the future. It's just having fun for the sake of having fun.
Fun is knowing we are Loved.
Fun is knowing that our lives really do have a purpose.
Fun is knowing that we can make a difference.
Fun is choosing to be at Peace in spite of having all the facts that would tend to have us not be at peace.
Fun is knowing we are not alone, nor meant to be alone.
Fun is smiling.
Fun is letting someone get ahead of us on the grocery line.
Fun is laughing, knowing that laughing is the Divine Music of the universe; the ultimate act of letting go.
Fun is being with those we love.
Fun is listening to great music.
Fun is dancing.
Fun is staying out of the “judgment” business, of ourselves and of others, not because we shouldn't judge, but because we realize we are not capable of judging—since we do not have the ability to see how whatever is happening is connected to everything that has ever happened and will happen in the future. •