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Where To Find An OA Meeting in Northern New Mexico
Online and telephone meetings are a great resource for attaining and maintaining abstinence from compulsive eating, food restricting, and purging. To find them, go to the Overeaters Anonymous home website, at For Northern New Mexico Zoom meetings, see below.
Need to meet One on One with a Sponsor or Sponsee?
Go to to up your very own Zoom account and meeting!
**Please note: Out of courtesy for your fellow OA members,
OA Zoom meeting Accounts/Links are no longer to be used for anything
but the official OA meetings that are listed below**
The Friendship Club has re-opened for 12 step meetings.
However the OA meetings once held at the Club
are still meeting online until further notice -
Morning Meetings: 7 days a week, every day in the year, 8:00am Mountain Time.
Meeting ID for all the morning meetings: 748 286 152; Password 1234 or click here at 8am.
OA 8am Daily Topics
Monday: Big book of AA 4th edition
Tuesday: Taste of Lifeline/Diverse Voices
Wednesday: Topic meeting
Thursday: AA 12&12
Friday: OA 12&12, 2nd edition
Saturday: Speaker meeting
Sunday: Overeaters Anonymous/Topic meeting
Monday Evening Meeting: 5:00 pm MT. Meeting ID: 983 851 226. Focus: Reading and meditation. Password 1234
or click here at 5:00p Monday
Saturday Late Morning Meeting: 10:30 am MT. ID# 425 884 262 Password 1212
Do you want to join any of these zoom meeting by phone?
Dial 720-928-9299 or 301-715-8592 and when prompted give the ID# and Password.
Saturday Late Late Morning Meeting:
11:30am MT. In the Community Room (near public restrooms) at DeVargas Mall,
Santa Fe, near the bowling alley
For Detailed, step-by-step Instructions on the Zoom Website
on accessing a meeting, please click HERE
If you'd like more help,
click on "Talk to Us" below and send us a message,
letting us know what you need and how to contact you.
Note: If once on the Zoom site, you're willing to be seen by other attenders,
at the Video Preview window, click on "Join with Video".
If you'd rather nobody saw your image while you attend,
click on "Join without Video."
Whichever you choose, click last on "Join with Computer Audio".
Please MUTE yourself after joining the meeting.
The full Zoom screen should then appear with the
faces of other attendees visible.
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